Why God Hates Umbrellas
Clint Ware: Why God Hates Umbrellas
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Why God Hates Umbrellas
I. His Grace Is Much Like Rain (and he wants us to get soaked and stay soaked
A. Constantly poured out on all (I Tim 2:1-4)
1 st - Prevenient grace gives us a taste of what we were meant for
2nd - Justifying grace washes away the filth of original sin when we trust Jesus
3rd - Sanctifying grace refreshes and renews believers as we grow
~ this is the active presence of God in our lives
~ God Renews All Christians Everyday
B. The ``Means of Grace``
~ the ways God has revealed for us to get soaked
~ Works of Piety (everyday expressions of our love for God)
Prayer, Searching the Scriptures, Holy Communion, Fasting, Christian Fellowship,
Healthy Living, Christian reading
~Works of Mercy (everyday expressions of our love for God)
Doing Good, Visiting the Sick, Visiting the Imprisoned,
Feeding & Clothing those in need, Earning + Saving + Giving all one can,
Seeking Justice for all, Opposition to Oppression of the poor and outcast
II. Those Things That Block the Rain (Isaiah 59:l-2)
A. Isa 59:l - He is more than willing and able to:
~ forgive and save us
~ listen and hear our prayers
B. Isa 59:2 - Our sin creates a block or separation
~ he hides his face and withdraws His presence
~ he will not or does not or chooses not to hear
C. Why would he do that? LOVE
~ he knows sin is bad + sin hurts + not what is best
~ he draws back to help us understand that we are headed the wrong way
III. A Closer Look at the Umbrella
A. Sins of Commission ~ the stuff we do that we know he told us not to do
B. Sins of Omission ~ the stuff we don`t do when we know we should (James 4:l7)
IV. How to Throw an Umbrella Away
A. Decide that if God says it's bad . . . it is, and if God says its good . . . it is.
``Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,`` (Isaiah 5:20)
B. Ask to borrow his eyes (``help me to see the sin my life``)
C. Ask to borrow his heart (``help to hate my sin the way you do``)
D. Now take a good honest look at your heart and life.
E. Trust that what God says about you is truer than what anyone else has ever said.
~ if he says you can be free from that sin then you can be (John 8:34-36)
F. Resist the devil, throw that umbrella away, and enjoy the rain every day.
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