Hospitality III – Practical Hospitality
Clint Ware: Hospitality III – Practical Hospitality

I. What Should Hospitality Look Like Today?
A) What people expect from hospitable people:
- they would be nice , welcoming, caring “smiling”
- they would make an effort to talk to me beyond just saying “hello” and shaking my hand (firmly)
- they would make eye contact with me and be genuinely interested in me
- they would make it a point to include me
B) The motive behind the hospitality is important
- most of the time people are nice when they want something
- worldly motive vs. churchy motive vs. Kingdom motive
C) Kingdom Minded Hospitality
- Because God loves them …we will love them.
and has charged us with being:
an authentic representation of Himself,
an authentic representation of Jesus
an authentic representation of the Gospel (I Peter 4:8-10)
II. How can we best do it?
A) Be nice (for Jesus)
B) Talk to strangers (for Jesus)
C) Give it some thought (make a plan) (for Jesus)
- if you don’t make a plan you won’t
~ How can I be more hospitable in my day to day life? (for Jesus)
~ How can I use my home to be hospitable? (for Jesus)
~ How can my family become more hospitable? (for Jesus)
D) Focus on the people not you performance. (for Jesus)
III. Helpful How-to’s on Hospitality
A) Facts about strangers or visitors (especially in church)
- they naturally feel uncertain and insecure
- they don’t know what happens next
- they are searching for something
- they usually decide whether they will come back within 10 minutes
B) Put yourself in their shoes (what are they thinking?)
- will anyone like me here?
- is anyone here interested in knowing me
- “is this Jesus thing for real”
Just trying out the blog!!!
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