Sunday, July 06, 2008

Fish Tank Church

Clint Ware: Fish Tank Church

The Connection 7/6/08
Fish Tank Church? Bro. Clint Ware

I. Why would fish like to live in a fish tank?
- closed environment
- active
- fish feel safe and comfortable
- changes tend to be small and gradual
- population only changes occasionally
- must be kept up and feed

II. Why would someone want to go to a Fish Tank Church?
- closed environment
- active
- fish feel safe and comfortable
- changes tend to be small and gradual
- population only changes occasionally
- must be kept up and feed

PROBLEM: Jesus said that we are to GO! (Matt 28:19-20)

III. What makes up the walls to the Fish Tank Church?
Wall 1- activities
- in the church, at the church, for the church
Wall 2- fear
- of rejection
- of change
- people who are different that us
» thinking
» skin color
» socio-economic level
Wall 3- lack of motivation …laziness
Wall 4- lack of love
- we have been given the power and ability (II Peter 1:3)
- Jesus says Love one another (other believers) (John 13:35)
- and the lost (Matt 5: 43-48)

IV. Nemo and the Lost
- looking for “dad”
- unfamiliar surroundings
- run into invisible barriers
- those inside care a lot about strange things
- require those who come in to be clean (decontaminated)
- insiders are unfamiliar with outside world (big blue)

Questions to Consider
1. How long have you been living in a box?
2. Has it done something to you?
3. Do you have a longing to GO?


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