Monday, March 30, 2009

The Deadly Sin of Lust

Mitchell Hedgepeth:  Lust, the Secret Sin

Mitchell Hedgepeth concludes the sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins with this message on the sin of lust.  John 4:16-18 is the text for this message.  It is the end of a conversation that Jesus had with the woman at the well, and it points out that Jesus knows all about the sin that we think is kept secretly in our hearts.  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Sin of Gluttony

Mitchell Hedgepeth: The Sin of Gluttony

Pastor Hedgepeth's sermon this week focuses on a sin that many of us find difficult to classify as deadly.  This reluctance to see it that way can make it even more deadly.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Sin of Gluttony

Gluttony -- excessive hunger, which can’t satisfy our God-shaped emptiness -- is the subject of week six of the sermon series, “The Seven Deadly Sins”.  Clint Ware explains how we can be free of this sin.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Deadly Sin of Avarice

Clint Ware's message on Avarice, Week 5 of the Seven Deadly Sins sermon series

Monday, March 09, 2009

No Audio Sermon

Due to a computer malfunction, the Connection sermon is not available for March 8, 2009.  We invite you to listen to previous week's messages and return next week for Clint's sermon on the deadly sin of greed.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Two Pictures

Mitchell Hedgepeth's sermon warns against the deadly sins of anger and envy.

Two Pictures

The Most Wanted List

Dr Terry Teykl visits FUMC Clinton with a message about praying for the lost.  

Envy - The Sin of the Evil Eye

Clint Ware's  message about envy shows us in scripture that God values us, meets our needs, and perfectly provides for us.  If we trust in him, we have no reason to look at other people with envy

Envy- The Sin of the Evil Eye: Video

Clint Ware's  message about envy shows us in scripture that God values us, meets our needs, and perfectly provides for us.  If we trust in him, we have no reason to look at other people with envy.