Monday, January 26, 2009

Jesus, the Picture of a Servant

Clint Ware: Jesus, the Picture of a Servant

Clint Ware's message this week poses the question, "What is a good Christian?"  The answer is to closely resemble Jesus, who was the ultimate servant to those who spent time with him, and to the entire world.  It was Jesus' direct instruction to us, that we should seek to serve, and try, with the power of Holy Spirit, to look like Him.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jesus, the Picture of a Servant

Clint Ware's message this week poses the question, "What is a good Christian?"  The answer is to closely resemble Jesus, who was the ultimate servant to those who spent time with him, and to the entire world.  It was Jesus' direct instruction to us, that we should seek to serve, and try, with the power of Holy Spirit, to look like Him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jesus, the Picture of Power Video Sermon

Clint Ware:  Jesus, the Picture of Power

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Picture of Power

Mitchell Hedgepeth:  Jesus, the Picture of Power

 Matthew 21:12-17
            Jesus was a compassionate leader.  This did not mean he was weak.  Jesus led with integrity, which requires the greatest kind of strength.  Leading with strength can be a real challenge, especially the kind of strength with which Jesus led.  This week we will discover how important it is that we be godly leaders fill with the strength of Jesus.

Jesus, the Picture of Power

This week, Clint tells the story from Mark 5 of Jesus casting out demons from a Gentile.  His actions had an effect on everyone involved, from the disciples who came with him, to the townspeople who lost 2000 pigs and possibly their profit with them. 

Clint summarizes:  "So how do you picture Jesus after living this story? 
As a Jewish fisherman -your view of Jesus and his purpose stretched beyond where it once was.  As a person in need of being set free - to live as a new creation with a new life and purpose.  Or do you look at the power of Jesus and find yourself frightened, wishing he would leave you alone and not disrupt your day to day life?

We hope you are challenged and uplifted as you listen to this sermon, and please come back to hear more in this series.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Clint Ware presents a sermon in the Connection.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Following Jesus in Baptism"

Mitchell Hedgepeth:  Following Jesus in Baptism

When Jesus was baptized, he became publicly identified with what God was up to in the world.  The baptism of Jesus teaches us so much that we need to know, both about Jesus and about us.  Jesus lived and taught a positive message.  As we come to the Sunday for recognition of the Baptism of our Lord, may we also learn about our own baptism!


Clint Ware's message on baptism gives an overview of Old Testament symbolism, New Testament teachings, and what Methodists believe about baptism.  On "Baptism of the Lord" Sunday, we remember our baptisms and make a new commitment to Christ with this outward sign of an inward grace.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

FUMC Clinton 8:45 service, January 4, 2009: "Christmas Gifts - Gifts of the Magi"

Matthew 2:1-12

The New Year is filled with opportunity.  Sadly, a disquieted spirit within will cause the opportunities to vanish.  A renewed spirit is needed for the new year.  As we step into the new year, and especially the month ahead, may we do so standing on tip-toes, anticipating God’s grand work among us using the gifts so readily given.

Mitchell Hedgepeth, "Christmas Gifts- Gifts of the Magi"

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Unlikely Visitors

 We all learned as children about the three wise men who came to bless the infant Jesus with gold, frankincense and myrrh. During Epiphany Sunday, Clint connects the wise men of the New Testament with some lesser-known ones of the Old Testament, found in the book of Daniel, and gives us an important question to think about as we apply it to our lives.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

God Wants to Be Your Parent

“God Wants to be your Parent!”

            Galatians 4:4-7

            Whose child are you?  It is easy for most of us to be identified as the child of our biological parents.  Not every child today has such an identity.  In today text we discover the Galatians have a different parent.  Paul says the people of Galatia are adopted children and that they have become children of God.  Are we prepared and willing to become a child of God?

Mitchell Hedgepeth: God Wants to be Your Parent

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