Jesus, the Picture of a Servant
Clint Ware: Jesus, the Picture of a Servant
Sermon audio from First United Methodist of Clinton, Mississippi.
Clint Ware: Jesus, the Picture of a Servant
Mitchell Hedgepeth: Jesus, the Picture of Power
Mitchell Hedgepeth: Following Jesus in Baptism
Clint Ware's message on baptism gives an overview of Old Testament symbolism, New Testament teachings, and what Methodists believe about baptism. On "Baptism of the Lord" Sunday, we remember our baptisms and make a new commitment to Christ with this outward sign of an inward grace.
Matthew 2:1-12
The New Year is filled with opportunity. Sadly, a disquieted spirit within will cause the opportunities to vanish. A renewed spirit is needed for the new year. As we step into the new year, and especially the month ahead, may we do so standing on tip-toes, anticipating God’s grand work among us using the gifts so readily given.
Mitchell Hedgepeth, "Christmas Gifts- Gifts of the Magi"
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“God Wants to be your Parent!”
Galatians 4:4-7
Whose child are you? It is easy for most of us to be identified as the child of our biological parents. Not every child today has such an identity. In today text we discover the Galatians have a different parent. Paul says the people of
Mitchell Hedgepeth: God Wants to be Your Parent
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